
Making mindfulness accessible for people on the go.


App Design


App Design
Creative Direction

How do you find peace?

In our hyperactive world, finding peace has become one of life's most elusive pursuits. Soothe.wav is the oasis modern minds have been looking for — a mobile sanctuary of sound that quiets both the noise around us and within our minds.

Whether it's the hypnotic ebb and flow of ocean tide or the soothing resonance of Tibetan singing bowls, each experience serves as a gateway to undisturbed mindfulness. Featuring over 20+ high quality sounds, Soothe.wav allows users to get the focus, rest and relax wherever they are.


Soothe.wav isn't just a meditation app — it's an immersive experience connecting people with 100% natural sounds.


Unlike other apps on the market, Soothe.wav transports you to serene rainforests and natural wonderlands with our immersive, lossless soundscapes.


With Soothe.wav, we sought to create an immersive auditory experience that would transport users to a state of profound relaxation. Our team curated a diverse collection of soundscapes, each one carefully crafted to evoke a sense of serenity and calm.

From the gentle lapping of ocean waves to the soothing whispers of a forest breeze, we ensured that every user could find a sonic sanctuary that resonated with their unique preferences and cultural backgrounds.

We incorporated guided sessions led by a diverse array of sounds, each one radiating warmth and authenticity, enabling users to embark on a journey of mindfulness and inner peace, regardless of time and place.

With Soothe.wav, we aimed to provide not just a meditation app, but a mobile retreat where users could find solace and respite from the chaos of daily life.


“The artist’s world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep.” — Paul Strand


© 2024 Arron By Design

error: Don't even think about it.